Custom Transcription
Tell us about the song you want us to transcribe and select your options below.
Custom transcriptions for most songs are just $50.
If your song is really long or extremely complicated, or if you want us to transcribe more than “one time through”, the transcription will cost a little more. In this case, we will inform you of any additional fees before beginning your transcription, and the extra fees will be due before we begin.
JamAlong Music makes no claim that its transcriptions are 100% accurate, and they are only the best interpretation of the song by our music instructors. JamAlong Transcriptions are for educational purposes only, and are not for resale. The transcription fees are only to compensate our staff for their time and does not constitute a charge for the media used.
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"Times through" the song | 1x, 2x, 3x, 4x |
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